Sunday, January 4, 2009

Weekend update

Well, William has had a tough weekend. He'd felt great, just a little bit run down, Wednesday and Thursday. Friday he started feeling bad. Saturday he started having some severe stomach pain which has continued all day today. We're able to control this pain with pain pills somewhat, but it's a disappointment. He's also started running a mild fever. Thus, first on the agenda tomorrow is a call to the doctor.

Hopefully we'll hear that the stomach pain is a side effect from the chemo and not some fresh hell. Hopefully they'll give him medication for the fever which is probably the sign we were watching for that signals a lowered white cell count.

The good news is that the crushing pain he was enduring prior to the chemo is still gone, and the swelling in his leg is slowly lessening.

He'd hoped to go back to work tomorrow.

Financially, he needs to go back to work tomorrow but it's not going to happen.


  1. Sorry to hear about the rough weekend & hope things get better.

    Elizabeth (pax)

  2. Sorry to hear about the tough time you had. I hope it didn't last much longer.

    I'm also sorry I haven't communicated until now, but please know that I have thought of you both quite often. I'll be checking in more now that life has slowed down a bit.

    Take care,


  3. Oh...
    I wish I had something clever to say.
    Hold on,

  4. I know you guys have your hands full, but this silence is worrying me. If you can report in, please do!
