Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chemo Round Deux

William's stomach pain started improving by Monday and yesterday he felt so much better that we went out to breakfast after he had his pre-treatment bloodwork. Sitting in the hard restaurant chair was uncomfortable for his hip and back but it was so nice to be able to get out and do something normal he didn't care about that discomfort. We haven't been out of this house together for anything other than medical appointments and Christmas Eve at Mom's house since Thanksgiving. It was good.

Today, his chemo went well but he didn't sleep well last night so chemo really took a lot out of him this time. He came home ate a little bit of lunch and was snoring within 10 minutes.

His doctor said he's responding really really well to the treatment. The lymph node swelling has gone down markedly which really surprised the Doctor. The blood count done yesterday was only slightly low. The doctor was not concerned about that at all but the Chemo people decided to start giving him Neulasta injections just to be on the safe side and keep the counts up. William remembered to ask the doctor about the bone marrow biopsy this time and we are all excited to report that no lymphoma cells were found in the marrow sample.

Okay, cross fingers, toes, eyes or whatever that the chemo doesn't make him sick this time around and that he continues to improve over the weekend.

As always I sure do appreciate hearing from you all and thanks so much for all the positive vibes. They're working well.



  1. I'm so glad to hear the news about the bone marrow biopsy...that's really great! Glad to hear William's responding well to the treatment! It's good that you guys got to eat out. Sounds like things are on a more positive roll! We're missing you over at the Leaky!


  2. I am so truely happy to hear that our Arthur's (William!!) biopsy results were so good!! Keep up your positive spirits, we are all still thinking of you both over at Leaky.

    Love, Dayna.

  3. How to start? I am glad I read your 14 Jan first and found the chemo was giving Bill (William) relief from the painful leg. Then I moved down and what a traumatic time the two of you have had. Jean, it was so good that you persevered for the apts. and tests and answers. It is so reassuring to have doctors that give you answers and have your welfare, care, and cure in mind. Was Bill able to go to work this week? I surely do hope so but suspect he tires easily. Its a shame that the cure often is as bad as the disease but the end results will be worth the agony. Jean, you are such a good writer. When this is over maybe you can compile your thoughts and talent and write for publication. You have been in our thoughts and prayers and will continue reading your blog for updates. Looking forward to seeing you in person in a couple of weeks. Love, and hang in there. Joan and Wally
